Delighted to have 3 poems published in Impspired Magazine, Issue 7 on October 1st, 2020. My thanks to editor Steve Cawte on such a brilliant magazine.

fast and furious
archangel in paint and chrome
brings me home-
purring megaphonious,
combusting with sav and sap
that i glimpse
peeking into warm grill chintz-
then she lifts her corset bonnet
and lets me touch her glinting bones
secreting home spun
attracting, like moon and sun-
and mnemonic
old senses,
fallow and fenced
soon become drenched
quiller and squirter
in that linguistic converter-
glow mapping,
slowly blown
in the metronome.
so what
if knots
in strings
bring an end to things
that were.
i can undo her
make it gone
and move what measures on
powers infinity.
found in mound and moat
elements made unmade
sink and float
convex and concave
dance a burning wave.
spiny gorse
not in bloom
sits inside a horse
to be taken in, rape from giving
creates a living tomb.


the past plough

through this continuum

cannot be denied

and I am tied

to its dead


by blood and vow

once two backs

lips wide

whose broken thread

fooled polygraph tracks

even her eyes lied

as she did the devil’s dance

with chance and circumstance

mortal bribed

she was only doing

what other men do to women

so how could I not be forgiving

love is umbilical

and cynical

for all its miracle

Copyright Strider Marcus Jones

3 thoughts on “Delighted to have 3 poems published in Impspired Magazine, Issue 7 on October 1st, 2020. My thanks to editor Steve Cawte on such a brilliant magazine.

  1. Strider, congratulations on the publication of these three superb poems! ❤ I very much enjoyed reading them.

    "Hot Rod" is a window into the (mostly) male fascination with cars. After reading, I have a better insight into their infatuation!

    "Blood and Flow" is a reminder that it is not just women who get used, although we seem to complain about it more.

    I enjoyed "Knots in Strings" for the beauty of language, the alliteration, and the vivid images.

    Yesterday, I listened to some of your recordings. I missed a lot because I couldn't hear, even at maximum volume. Perhaps you could check it out.

    Stay safe and well! Cheryl

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